Cookie Dehydrator: A Sweet Revolution

Hey there! I’m an absolute cookie fanatic, and if you’re reading this, I bet you share a little of that enthusiasm too. Have you ever wondered how to keep that sweet bite lasting longer? Or how to give your favorite cookies a different, more unique texture? Enter the cookie dehydrator. Let’s dive right in!

What is a cookie dehydrator?

At its core, a cookie dehydrator is a device designed specifically to remove moisture from cookies. But let’s take a deeper look:

History of Dehydration in Culinary Arts

Historically, food dehydration wasn’t a choice but a necessity. Civilizations around the globe utilized the sun and wind to dry various foods, preserving them for off-seasons and long travels. Today’s cookie dehydrators, while a nod to these ancient methods, harness modern technology to achieve precise drying without the unpredictability of weather.

The Technology Behind Modern Cookie Dehydrators

These modern marvels circulate warm air around the cookie to evaporate moisture while ensuring even drying. They come equipped with adjustable thermostats, allowing you to choose the optimal temperature, ensuring the integrity of the cookie’s flavor and texture.

Why dehydrate cookies?

Why dehydrate cookies?

While the crisp bite of a dehydrated cookie is unarguably delightful, there are more reasons to indulge in this technique:

Nutritional Benefits of Dehydrated Cookies

Dehydrating cookies can, in some cases, concentrate certain flavors and nutritional elements. While the macronutrient content remains unchanged, removing moisture might enhance certain taste profiles, giving a richer taste experience.

Creative Uses in Other Recipes

Dehydrated cookies can be a versatile ingredient in the kitchen, you can use to make a decorated cookie. Think cookie crumbs for a pie base, added to yogurt for a crunchy twist, or even mixed into homemade ice cream for a textured surprise.

Picking the right cookie dehydrator

Picking the right cookie dehydrator

When you’re ready to invest, it’s essential to find the perfect fit for your needs:

Top Brands and Models on the Market


The Excalibur 3926TB Electric Food Dehydrator Machine is a standout product in the world of food preservation, and its features have garnered positive attention. Here’s a review of its key features:

  1. Large Capacity: The dehydrator is equipped with 9 trays, offering an impressive 15 square feet of drying space. This large capacity makes it suitable for handling substantial quantities of food, ideal for families or for those who like to batch-dehydrate.
  2. Versatile Temperature Control: One of its most notable features is the adjustable thermostat with a range of 105 to 165 degrees Fahrenheit. This flexibility allows for a wide range of dehydrating temperatures suitable for everything from fruits and vegetables to meats. It’s perfect for creating various dried foods like fruit leathers, jerky, and even homemade yogurt.
  3. Nutrient Preservation: The ability to dehydrate foods at temperatures as low as 115-118 degrees is crucial for preserving nutrients. This makes the Excalibur 3926TB particularly effective for those who prioritize nutritional retention in their dehydrated foods.
  4. Excalibur Parallex Horizontal Airflow Technology: This technology is a significant feature that sets the Excalibur apart from other dehydrators. It ensures faster dehydration, better nutrient retention, and eliminates the need for tray rotation, making the process more efficient and user-friendly.
  5. Ease of Use and Cleanliness: Customer reviews highlight the machine’s ease of use and cleaning, which is a significant consideration for any kitchen appliance. The non-stick polyscreen tray inserts add to its convenience.
  6. Included Dehydration Guide: The inclusion of a Guide to Dehydration is a thoughtful touch, offering users helpful insights and tips on how to get the most out of their dehydrator.
  7. Build Quality: Made in the USA with both domestic and globally sourced materials, the build quality is reputed to be solid, ensuring durability and longevity.

In summary, the Excalibur 3926TB Electric Food Dehydrator Machine is a top-tier choice for those seeking a large-capacity, versatile, and nutrient-preserving dehydrator. Its unique airflow technology and user-friendly features make it an excellent investment for both novice and experienced users in the realm of food dehydration.


The NESCO FD-7SSD Digital Food Dehydrator is an excellent choice for those looking to explore the world of homemade dried foods. Here’s a detailed review of its standout features:

  1. Even Heat Distribution: The 600-watt power and large fan ensure even heat distribution, which is crucial for dehydrating food evenly and efficiently. This feature maximizes the speed of the drying process while maintaining food quality.
  2. Digital Temperature Control: One of the device’s key features is its intuitive control panel, which includes a digital display for time and temperature. With adjustable time (1-24 hours) and temperature control (90-160°F), it provides precise settings for a variety of dehydrating needs, making it easier to achieve the perfect result every time.
  3. Clear Window Viewing: The large viewing window, complemented by an interior light, allows users to monitor the drying process without opening the dehydrator. This feature is not only convenient but also helps maintain a consistent internal temperature during the dehydration process.
  4. Stainless Steel Trays: The dehydrator comes with 7 BPA-free, dishwasher-safe stainless steel trays, each measuring 12” x 11.25”. This provides ample space to dehydrate a variety of foods simultaneously, making it a practical choice for larger batches.
  5. Ease of Use and Cleaning: The all-metal interior is designed for easy cleanup and maximum heat retention. This is particularly beneficial when making items like beef jerky, fruit leather, and dried fruits, ensuring a hassle-free dehydrating experience.
  6. Included Accessories: The inclusion of 1 plastic mesh sheet and 1 plastic drip tray (which doubles as a fruit roll sheet) adds versatility to the dehydrator, allowing for the dehydration of small items like herbs or for drying sauces and fruit purees.
  7. Customer Ratings: High ratings in ease of use, cleanliness, noise level, and temperature control reflect the user-friendly and efficient nature of the product.

In conclusion, the NESCO FD-7SSD Digital Food Dehydrator stands out for its even heat distribution, precise temperature control, and convenient viewing window. Its stainless steel trays and easy-to-clean design make it a practical choice for a variety of drying tasks, from beef jerky and fruit leathers to dried fruits and dog treats. The additional accessories included enhance its versatility, making it a well-rounded appliance for both beginners and experienced users in food dehydration.


The Presto 06300 Dehydro Electric Food Dehydrator is a popular choice for those seeking a straightforward and efficient way to dry various foods at home. Here’s a detailed review of its key features:

  1. Versatile Use: This dehydrator is great for making homemade jerky, drying nutritious fruits and vegetables, and even creating healthy pet treats. Its versatility makes it a valuable addition to any kitchen, appealing to health-conscious individuals and pet owners alike.
  2. Efficient Air Flow: The top-mounted fan and heating element provide consistent air flow for optimum drying. This design ensures even drying throughout the trays, which is crucial for maintaining the quality and consistency of the dehydrated products.
  3. No Tray Rotation Required: One of the standout features of this model is that it eliminates the need for tray rotation. This means you can set up your dehydrator and leave it to do its job without the hassle of shuffling trays, resulting in a more convenient and time-saving process.
  4. Expandable Capacity: The dehydrator includes 4 drying trays but can expand up to 8 trays. This expandability is perfect for those who may need to increase their drying capacity for larger batches. Additional trays are sold separately, allowing for customization based on your needs.
  5. Compact Storage: The drying trays nest when not in use, leading to a 22% reduction in storage space. This feature is particularly beneficial for those with limited kitchen space. Additionally, the cord wraps around the cover, enhancing its compactness and ease of storage.
  6. Customer Ratings: High ratings in ease of assembly, cleaning, durability, and versatility reflect the dehydrator’s user-friendliness and practicality in various drying tasks.

In summary, the Presto 06300 Dehydro Electric Food Dehydrator offers a no-fuss, efficient solution for drying a variety of foods. Its consistent air flow, no-tray-rotation feature, expandability, and compact storage design make it a practical choice for both occasional and frequent users. Whether you’re into making jerky, drying fruits for snacks, or preparing treats for your pets, this dehydrator is designed to meet a range of dehydration needs with simplicity and effectiveness.

Elite Gourmet

The Elite Gourmet Food Dehydrator presents itself as a versatile and convenient option for those interested in dehydrating a variety of foods at home. Here is a comprehensive review of its key features:

  1. Adjustable Time/Temperature Control: The dehydrator offers a wide temperature range from 95ºF to 158ºF and a timer that can be set for up to 24 hours. This allows for precise control over the dehydration process, ensuring foods are dried at their optimal time and temperature. The horizontal airflow system contributes to even and efficient heat distribution.
  2. Healthy Snack Preparation: It enables the preparation of 100% all-natural dehydrated foods and snacks. This feature is particularly appealing for those looking to avoid added sugars, additives, or preservatives, offering a healthier alternative to processed snacks. Users can make fruit rolls, trail mix, granola, and more, while controlling the ingredients.
  3. Versatility for Crafts and Pet Treats: In addition to food dehydration, this device is also perfect for hobbyists interested in drying flowers, potpourri, or dough crafts. Pet lovers will appreciate the ability to prepare healthy, natural treats for their furry companions, adding to the machine’s versatility.
  4. Even Heat Distribution: The bottom-mounted fan promotes even drying and air circulation, crucial for consistent dehydration results. The transparent trays allow users to easily monitor the drying process without interrupting it.
  5. Safety and Power Efficiency: ETL listed and operating at 350W of power/120V, it’s designed for safe and efficient home use. The power efficiency makes it a cost-effective option for regular use.
  6. Ease of Cleaning: The dishwasher-safe removable trays and lid are a significant convenience factor, simplifying the cleanup process and making it more user-friendly.
  7. Customer Ratings: The dehydrator has received high ratings for durability, flavor retention, ease of use, and sturdiness, indicating overall satisfaction from users.

In conclusion, the Elite Gourmet Food Dehydrator is a well-rounded appliance, suitable for a wide range of dehydration needs. Its adjustable controls, versatility, even heat distribution, and ease of cleaning make it an appealing choice for those looking to make healthy snacks, engage in craft activities, or prepare treats for pets. The high customer ratings further attest to its effectiveness and durability, making it a solid investment for home dehydrating purposes.

Dehydrator Comparison

Here’s a brief comparison of the four food dehydrators:

Excalibur 3926TB Electric Food Dehydrator

  • Pros:
    • Large capacity with 9 trays and 15 square feet of drying space.
    • Versatile with a 26-hour timer and a temperature range of 105 to 165 degrees F.
    • Features Excalibur Parallex Horizontal Airflow for efficient drying without tray rotation.
  • Cons:
    • Higher price point.
    • Larger footprint, requiring more storage space.

NESCO FD-7SSD Digital Food Dehydrator

  • Pros:
    • Even heat distribution with 600 watts of power.
    • Digital time and temperature control for precision.
    • Includes 7 stainless steel trays and is easy to clean.
  • Cons:
    • Limited expandability compared to Excalibur.
    • May not be as robust in build quality as higher-end models.

Presto 06300 Dehydro Electric Food Dehydrator

  • Pros:
    • Budget-friendly, making it accessible for casual users.
    • Compact and easy to store with nesting trays.
    • No tray rotation needed and expandable up to 8 trays.
  • Cons:
    • Less power (600 watts) compared to other models.
    • Basic features with no digital time or temperature control.

Elite Gourmet Food Dehydrator

  • Pros:
    • Adjustable temperature control from 95ºF to 158ºF.
    • Versatile for snacks, crafts, and pet treats.
    • Safety tested and power-efficient at 350W.
  • Cons:
    • Smaller capacity with 4 trays (expandable).
    • Lower wattage might result in longer drying times.


  • Best for Large Batches: The Excalibur 3926TB stands out for its large capacity and advanced features, ideal for serious dehydrators.
  • Balanced Features and Price: The NESCO FD-7SSD offers a good balance of features and price, suitable for moderate use.
  • Budget-Friendly Choice: The Presto 06300 is an excellent entry-level option for those new to dehydrating or with limited needs.
  • Compact and Versatile: The Elite Gourmet is great for small-scale dehydrating, offering versatility and safety in a compact design.

Factors Influencing Price and Performance

Size, material (plastic or stainless steel), adjustable temperature range, and additional features like timers or digital displays can impact both the cost and the efficiency of the device.

User Reviews and Expert Ratings

Before making a purchase, it’s always a good idea to consult user reviews. Real-life experiences can provide insights into the dehydrator’s performance, longevity, and any potential issues.

Step-by-step guide to using a cookie dehydrator

Dehydrating cookies is both an art and a science. Here’s a deeper dive into the process:

Safety Precautions and Best Practices

  • Always place your cookie dehydrator on a stable surface, away from any water sources.
  • Never overload. While it’s tempting to fit as many cookies as possible, overcrowding can lead to uneven dehydration.

Troubleshooting Common Issues During Dehydration

If you notice that your cookies are drying unevenly, consider rotating the trays or adjusting the temperature. Cookies that turn out too hard might have been dehydrated for too long, so always keep an eye, especially during the first few attempts.

Visual Cues for Perfect Dehydration

A perfectly dehydrated cookie will have a consistent color throughout, with no visible moisture pockets. It will also have a crisp, not tough, texture. Always cool a test cookie to room temperature before checking, as they might still feel soft when hot.

Expert tips and suggestions

Expert tips and suggestions

Advanced Techniques for Seasoned Dehydrators

  • Layering Flavors: Before dehydrating, consider brushing your cookies with flavor-infused simple syrups, like vanilla or citrus zest. As they dehydrate, these flavors will become intensified.
  • Hybrid Textures: Want a cookie that’s both chewy and crunchy? Try half-dehydrating your cookies. This will give you a crisp exterior and a chewy core.

Common mistakes to avoid

Real-life Experiences or Case Studies

Sarah, a home-baker, shared her initial blunders: “I once set my dehydrator at too high a temperature, thinking it’d speed things up. I ended up with cookies that had a rock-hard exterior and a half-baked center.”

Corrective Measures and Solutions

  • Over-dehydration: If you’ve accidentally over-dehydrated your cookies, don’t throw them out. They make excellent crumbs for pie crusts or dessert toppings.
  • Uneven Dehydration: Always ensure that the cookies are of even thickness when you’re rolling out the dough. Uneven cookies mean uneven drying.

Fun experimentations with a cookie dehydrator

Ever tried a dehydrated cookie sandwich? How about using dehydrated cookies as a base for other desserts? The possibilities are endless, and I urge you to experiment.

User-submitted Ideas and Creations

Mark from Texas shared, “I love adding dehydrated cookies to my morning cereal. It’s like a breakfast dessert!”

Pairing Dehydrated Cookies with Various Beverages or Dishes

A fun experiment is pairing your dehydrated cookies with different beverages. Try a dehydrated ginger cookie with herbal tea or a dehydrated chocolate chip cookie with a cold glass of milk.

International or Ethnic Takes on Dehydrated Cookies

Explore world flavors! Try dehydrating Italian biscotti, Middle Eastern ma’amoul, or even Indian nankhatai. The results might surprise and delight you!

Caring for your cookie dehydrator

Caring for your cookie dehydrator

Clean it after each use. This will ensure its longevity and the consistent taste of your cookies.

Maintenance Schedules and Recommended Products

Clean your dehydrator after each use. If the trays are detachable, soak them in warm, soapy water. For non-detachable trays, a soft brush can help reach nooks and crannies.

Warranty and Servicing Information

Always register your dehydrator after purchase to ensure you’re covered under warranty. If you notice a drop in performance, don’t attempt to repair it yourself. Reach out to the manufacturer or a professional service.


Dehydrating cookies is more than a trend; it’s an art, an experience, and a new way to enjoy your favorite treat. So, why wait? Dive into the world of cookie dehydration and discover a plethora of flavors and textures!


  1. Can I dehydrate other desserts in my cookie dehydrator?
    Absolutely! Think meringues, fruit leathers, or even thin cake layers.
  2. Do I need to preheat my cookie dehydrator?
    While not always necessary, preheating can lead to more even dehydration.
  3. How long do dehydrated cookies last?
    Stored correctly, they can last for months! However, always check for any signs of spoilage.
  4. Can I rehydrate my cookies?
    Yes, though they won’t exactly return to their original state. They can be softened with milk or other liquids.
  5. Is it safe for kids to use a cookie dehydrator?
    With supervision, yes. But always be cautious of the device’s heated elements.




Hi, my name is Tamy White and I've been in love with decorated cookies since 2021. After taking many courses and working with decorated cookies for the last years, I decided to create this website to bring this enchanting world of decorated cookies to more people and thus bring information, techniques and tips about it. Here you'll find lots of content that I've lovingly created so that you can achieve incredible results with your cookies.

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